Friday, August 1, 2008

30 week check-up and Sonogram

The sonogram went very well. It was great to see this baby again. They did another sonogram at this time to determine the weight and measurements of the baby and also to check the fluid around the baby. The baby is doing well. My fluid is in the high normal range.

Baby Stats:
Approx. Weight 3 lbs 11 oz (70% percentile)
Approx. Length 15.2 inches

Measuring 33 weeks
No weight gain
BP: 140/80

My glucose test came back high, so I will be going on August 8 to do a 3 hour glucose test.

With my blood pressure being on the high side of normal, I will start going TWICE PER WEEK to do a non-stress test on the baby beginning the week of Aug 18 until the baby is delivered...can you say 14 appointments! I was a little discouraged by this news of going twice per week. But I am glad that the doctor is being cautious for me and the baby.

My next appointment is on Wednesday, August 6 for my first non-stress test.

My next sonogram is scheduled for August 29. are two pictures of the baby...

Look at those cheeks!

Nice profile!

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Phillips Hits

About Me

I love to bake, sew and arrange flowers! If you would like to order a cake or flower arragement, please email me at: phillipshome2000 at msn dot com